Friday, 27 September 2024

I've reached November 2022 of Another Round About Town.

I've reached November 2022 of Another Round About Town. I'll hopefully have it finished by the end of the year.

Monday, 14 November 2022

A big skein of geese floats high in the overcast sky above the scrappy flock of fieldfares which darts down the valley towards town. I follow a deer under the railway bridge before it leaps a low section of fence and disappears into the wood. I wrestle with the gate and take the lane down to Mr Barrett’s old place. It's undergoing renovation at the moment but I remember the time fifteen years ago when I made the mistake of taking the van down there. Mr Barrett appeared at his front door holding a washing-up brush and wearing a pinny. He watched nervously as I performed an approximately fifty point turn in his tiny driveway. It’s five years since Mr Barrett died and the house has stood empty ever since so I’m intrigued to have a letter addressed to the new owner. I pass the cheaply laminated warning signs: STICK TO THE FOOTPATH, BEWARE OF LANDSLIDES and I struggle down the now barely passable track along the treacherous bank of the swollen river. I post the mail through what’s left of the doorway and turn to see the remains of two dogs, presumably Mr Barrett's pet collies, exhumed and laid out on the top stones of what used to be the garden wall.

On the top road the builders are listening to Billy Ocean’s 1984 hit, Caribbean Queen.

Back in town the man in the perma-crease trousers is singing to himself as he browses the charity shop mugs and glassware while a younger man in a durag tries on an 80s old-man style mossy-grey quarter-length easy-care jacket. He checks the mirror and adjusts the waistband of his grey marl sweatpants, pulling it up so that an inch more ankle is showing above his blue and white sliders.

At the supermarket, two women are discussing jumpers.
“I’ve had a few jumpers from Sainsbury’s but for £22.99 you’d expect them to be thicker, you know, a bit chunkier?”
“Anyway I’ve come in for one of those air fresheners. You know, the ones you see advertised on the television?
“Oh, what’s that?”
“Oh well, they’re for the bathroom but a friend of mine says you can use them anywhere.”

It starts to rain heavily as I make my way home. On the other side of the road a man with a Specsavers bag and a Remembrance Day poppy traipses through the six-inch drifts of sodden leaves. The big cherry by the primary school is almost bare now. I pass the Village Hall which is advertised For Sale At Auction, and my neighbour, Phil who is sweeping leaves with his headphones on.

Friday, 26 July 2024

Huddersfield Glove Watch

Exactly twenty-two years ago I was feeling a bit lost in life and looking for answers. In desperation I started clutching at, um, gloves.

On Tuesday July 26th, 2002, I decided to plot the location of all the discarded gloves I saw as I drove my van around Huddersfield. Maybe they would literally point the way for me? Perhaps if I plotted their locations on a map they would spell out a helpful message? Over a period of about six weeks until Friday September 2nd I documented 58 gloves. The information I collected was minimal, just a location and the style of each glove; I was usually driving on busy roads to a tight schedule so time was limited.

It was another five years before I had the time and resources to collate the results, first in the self-published book, Back 2 Front (expertly designed by Music) and then onto the recently launched Google Maps site. Sadly, no enlightening message was revealed; I live in real-life Huddersfield not the fictionalised New York of a Paul Auster book. Having said that, I definitely got enough out of the process to understand the potential of randomised exploration which has underpinned my work ever since.

Easily the most commonly discarded/lost glove was a brown rubberised type with an unbleached knitted cotton cuff. It struck me that I’ve not seen one for a while so I had a look online, they weren’t easy to find but they are still available and their low price point (under £1 a pair exc VAT) probably explains why people treat them so carelessly. I think I’ll order some and display them in a glass cabinet

Huddersfield Glove Watch on Google Maps:

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Sports and Social

Sports and Social, my book of short stories will be published on Thursday, September 28th, 2023 by Bluemoose Books.

Join us at Dark Woods Coffee, West Slaithwaite Road, Huddersfield, HD7 6LS on Wednesday, September 27th for the launch: Free Tickets

London launch: Friday, October 6th at Trinity Chapel Brixton, 67 St Matthew's Lane, London, SW2 1NF: Free Tickets

Thursday, 1 June 2023

Round About Town Podcast

For twenty-five years Kevin Boniface has been writing succinct descriptions of events and incidents that have taken place whilst out and about on his postal round, his daily route taking him from the main sorting office to the streets and outlying neighbourhoods above the town. In these commentaries and records nothing seems to be typical—engaged and disconnected conversations, the observed and the overheard—the everyday activity of life on the move.

Monday, 24 April 2023


Soundmaps of four different areas of my round. Click to enlarge:

Your Highlights of 2022

Here are Your Highlights of 2022. Better late than never.


Thursday, 30 December 2021

Your highlights of 2021

Listening to speakerphone hip-hop

Kneeling on a crushed wine box to stack penne on the bottom shelf

Riding your e-bike along the country lanes in determined silence and lycra

Singing the Brentford Nylons advert at 6am

Remembering Steve Walton who used to work here: You know, his missus wore glasses

Painting rocks in the colours of the Indian flag

Loading a six foot long model of a gunboat onto a trailer, attaching it to your mobility scooter and driving around the estate because you like it to go out every now and again

Singing Ee bah gum can your belly touch your bum on the roof of the pub where Jill and Alan are welcoming new customers...

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Transit: five minute interval walk

A white, long wheelbase, high top, 15 plate Ford Transit van with Modern Handling Services Ltd livery in a bold red sans serif. Parked, two wheels on the pavement, two in the road (Heaton Road).


Green white and red vinyl banner approx 6’x1½’. Attached to park railings in Park Drive South with fourteen black cable ties through small brass eyelets. It reads “Learn to play croquet in Huddersfield” in a bold white sans serif, with details of courses and contact email address in smaller red text underneath.


The midges illuminated by the low sun appear as tiny airborne pin pricks of light. The four sided Victorian glass lamp on the park gates also appears to be illuminated but this is also a trick of the light from the low sun.


The trees on Castlegate Loop include cypress, common lime, some kind of large willow. From my position on the New North Road side of the flyover only the canopy is visible above the blue railings.


The slightly splay footed gait of the man walking ten metres in front of me on Southgate. He is wearing blue Nike trainers, a black North Face backpack, shorts, t-shirt, baseball cap — black. He is drinking from a cardboard carton with a short straw.


A white, long wheelbase, high top, 17 plate Ford Transit van. No livery. A set of long ladders on the roof. Parked in the yard at York House next to the small rotten wooden window with leaf pattern textured glass (Pilkington ‘Autumn’ design?) and an unusual bespoke iron grill.

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Post Round Portrait Number 7

I took a photograph on the hour every hour and captioned it with the first thing that was said to me after having done so.

7am: What are you doing now?

8am: This is crazy, fucking crazy.

9am: Yes* 

*Bleary eyed and half swallowed. Accompanied by thumbs up.

10am: Sorry if you’ve been waiting a while, mate.

11am: Hi. Oh, right.

12 noon: Ta, love. See ya.

1pm: I’m in no hurry, I won’t be loading till last anyway.

2pm: I thought that was you then.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Post Round Portrait Number 6

I took a photograph on the hour every hour and captioned it with the first thing that was said to me after having done so.

7am: I’m getting like you, Kev. I’m taking photos out on delivery. I’m taking photos of random shoes and stuff. I took one of a shoe on a wall yesterday, I’ll show it you in a bit.

8am: Yes, the lift is still not working.

9am: I don’t know, do I? I don’t know what the hell’s going on.

10am: Hiya. Thanks. See you.

11am: Cheers. Thank you very much. See you.

12 noon: Hiya, how are you? Everything all right?

1pm: Got owt for here? Give it here if you like, if I can get this glove off, it’s wet through now.

2pm: A'right, pal?